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How to set up a Linux server with few interfaces in the same IPv4 network subnet

Suppose that we have two servers: S1 and S2. Server S1 has one network interface, server S2 has 3 network

The UK government recent plans to enforce the IoT security guidelines

The UK government has recently published an update regarding its plans to lay down mandatory cyber security requirements for IoT

IoT device security and intellectual property protection

Introduction Many IoT device manufacturers are concerned with the security of their products. One common concern is to protect their

Linux development best practices: creating patches

There is a common need to create patch files. They are used everywhere, starting from mailing lists to build systems

Network traffic forwarding in Linux Kernel

When developing virtual network device drivers for Linux, sometimes there is a need of redirecting packets between the real device

Openssl related issue in Embedded Linux

Despite systemd being stable enough for use in modern Linux systems, we still continue seeing sysvinit widely used, especially on

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